Not bad
This is OK. The artwork and animation woz very good. So woz the sound.
But honestly, I got bored and watched summin else.
Good tho :D
Keep it up!
Not bad
This is OK. The artwork and animation woz very good. So woz the sound.
But honestly, I got bored and watched summin else.
Good tho :D
Keep it up!
Thanks anyway.
Not bad :D
K, for a first attempt, this is pretty good. ur artwork shows u hav wot it takes 2 go further.
Just improve on the voices, they bad quality.
Also make it more original and longer!
Good try! :D
haha thanks! i know its too short and i have a crapy hopeing to get a better one soon..the next one will be longer and better...i hope^^;
I luv animation of all sorts. Wanna be a pro graphic designer and/or computer animator someday. Woo!
Age 34, Male
The Harefield Academy
Harefield, UK
Joined on 7/10/05